Help Dr. Elba Garcia build a better Dallas County
Help Dr. Elba Garcia build a better Dallas County
“With your support, I’ll be able to advance the many projects before us, projects that are certain to improve the quality of life for people in every corner of our rapidly growing county,” shares Dr. Elba Garcia, Dallas County Commissioner, District 4.
Please become a sponsor of Dr. Garcia’s Sept. 10 fundraising reception at the home of Regina Montoya and Paul Coggins.
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County, Elections
Dallas County District 4 Summer Newsletter
Dallas County District 4 Summer 2018 Newsletter
Please read my summer 2019 Dallas County District 4 newsletter and review all we have recently accomplished on behalf of taxpayers.
This edition includes updates on:
• the Northaven Trail extension opening,
• our new Emeritus Senior Center at Mountain View College,
• Road & Bridge District 4 projects,
• renovations to the Dallas County Records Building and The Old Red Museum, and
• a new voting system and the implementation of county wide voting in Dallas.
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County, Elections
Yo Soy Americano / I Am an American
- Published in Immigration
Please join me this coming Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
UPDATE MAY 17, 2019 2:36 P.M.
The RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY for Northaven Trail scheduled for Saturday has been POSTPONED.
Due to the forecast of severe thunderstorms on Saturday morning, May 18, the ribbon-cutting for the Northaven Trail Phase 2B/2C has been postponed. Initially, the organizing committee had arranged for an inclement weather location at Harry C. Withers Elementary School, but ultimately decided against using it for the ribbon-cutting. We want to ensure all attendees’ safety, so rescheduling the event appeared to be the best option.
We have not selected an alternate date and time yet, but will send an update as soon as it has been chosen.
Previous post:
Please join me this coming Saturday at 10:00 a.m. as we officially open the newest sections of the Northaven Trail in Northwest Dallas.
You will find below all the details of the ribbon cutting and the reception afterward, which will feature light refreshments.
This $5.7 million project creates a 3.3 mile multimodal trail connection in Northwest Dallas. A joint project between Dallas County and the City of Dallas, this is the first of several phases that will ultimately create a continuous trail from the east side of I-75 to the Elm Fork Soccer Complex on the west side of I-35.
Dallas County’s trail system is growing! Come enjoy our newest amenities!
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
• Saturday, May 18, 10:00 a.m. | Invitation
• Joe’s Creek Bridge, Rosser Road at Sleepy Lane | Location Map
To learn more, here is a fact sheet about the project.
In the event of inclement weather, the ribbon cutting ceremony will be rescheduled to a later date.
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County
Please Donate for Further Progress
I am so honored to serve as the commissioner for Dallas County District 4. I hope you feel my efforts to ensure all the people of this district have convenient access to county services have been successful.
If so, please consider a donation to my official campaign here. Any contribution amount is welcome.
In recent weeks, I have led the following initiatives:
We conducted the first public meeting about the $18.8 million improvement of Camp Wisdom Road. This project will make it much easier for residents of southwest Dallas County to travel between Oak Cliff and Grand Prairie.
Under my supervision, the retrofitting of Dallas County’s administrative offices and courts is on time and within budget. Soon, Dallas County residents will be able to take care of all their business with the county in a modernized, streamlined center in downtown Dallas.
I am gratified we on the Commissioners Court have approved the establishment of voting centers across Dallas County. This means on Election Day, you will no longer have to vote at the polling location connected to your precinct. This should make voting easier and more convenient for so many Dallas residents.
Sometime this summer, I will help cut the ribbon on a long-awaited expansion of the Northaven Trail in northwest Dallas County. Our collaboration with the City of Dallas and other governmental agencies will finally result in a contiguous east-west trail connecting the White Rock Creek Trail in northeast Dallas to the Elm Fork Athletic Complex in far northwest Dallas.
I remain committed to improving the quality of life for every resident of Dallas County and making the county’s decision-making process as transparent as possible.
Thank you, again, for whatever donation you can make to my campaign, so I can continue these efforts over the months to come. Adelante!
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County, Elections
Porfavor Doné para el Progreso Futuro
Es un honor para mí servir como Comisionada del Condado de Dallas para el Distrito 4. Espero que mis esfuerzos para asegurar que todas las personas de este distrito tengan acceso conveniente a los servicios del condado hayan sido exitosos.
Si es así, por favor considere hacer una donación a mi campaña oficial aquí. Su contribución en cualquier cantidad será agradecida.
En las semanas recientes, yo he dirigido las siguientes iniciativas:
Nosotros realizamos la primera junta publica para el mejoramiento de la avenida Camp Wisdom Rd. con un costo de $18.8 millones.
Bajo mi supervisión, la reconstrucción de las oficinas administrativas y de las cortes del Condado de Dallas está a tiempo y dentro de presupuesto. Muy pronto, los residentes del Condado de Dallas podrán arreglar todos sus asuntos dentro de un edificio modernizado y aerodinámico en el centro de Dallas.
Estoy agradecida que nosotros, los miembros de la Corte de Comisionados, aprobamos el futuro establecimiento de centros de votación por todo el Condado de Dallas. Esto significa que, en el Día de Elecciones, usted ya no tendrá que votar en su precinto. Esto hará que las votaciones sean más fáciles y convenientes para los residentes de Dallas.
En el verano estaré ayudando a cortar el listón para inaugurar la muy esperada expansión de Sendero Northaven en el noroeste del Condado de Dallas. Nuestra colaboración con la Ciudad de Dallas, y otras agencias gubernamentales finalmente resultaran en un sendero contiguo del este al oeste, conectando el Sendero White Rock Creek en el noreste de Dallas con el Complejo Atlético Elm Fork en el noroeste de Dallas.
Sigo comprometida a mejorar la calidad de vida de cada residente del Condado de Dallas, así como también en mantener la transparencia en el proceso de cómo se toman las decisiones en el condado.
Gracias nuevamente por cualquier donación que pueda hacer a mi campaña para que yo pueda continuar trabajando para ustedes. ¡Adelante!
La Dra. Elba Garcia
Comisionada del Condado de Dallas, Distrito 4
- Published in Dallas County, Elections
You are invited to Uno Dos Tresfest, April 27
Uno Dos Tresfest is a celebration bridging art, culture and civil engagement in the heart of Oak Cliff. The Latino Voter Empowerment Coalition invites the community to get entertained, informed, and empowered to vote on the last Saturday of early voting.
This event is FREE.
• April 27th from 1:30pm to 5:30pm simultaneously at Mercado369 and at The Texas Theater in Oak Cliff (walking distance of each other).
• Art Contest winners announced at 4:30pm at Mercado369. Details about how to enter the contest will be present on our site on Monday, 4-1-19.
• Vehicles will be waiting near the venues to take people to the polls throughout the event. Once you’ve voted, we can take you straight back to the venues. Polls will be closing at 7pm.
- Published in Elections
Within budget and on time
You will be happy to know the renovation of the Dallas County Records Building complex in downtown Dallas is within budget and on time..
We are slightly more than halfway through the four-year, $200 million project. When the new complex opens in the summer of 2020, Dallas County residents will have a one-stop complex at which they can access all county services.
About 600 employees now housed in three separate buildings will be waiting to serve you in one contiguous, beautifully restored facility that will be tens of thousands of square feet larger than the current complex.
Phase One (Design Development)
Before the first nail was removed from the existing complex, I developed the idea of a Building Study Committee, to be appointed by Dallas County commissioners.
This committee, comprising five people expert in the areas of construction, real estate and finance, examined the buildings involved in the project and recommended the renovations and new construction that would best serve county taxpayers.
Next, the project’s architects designed what the new complex will look like. They also began dismantling certain components of the building (windows, railings, etc.), taking care to document and set aside those deemed architecturally or historically significant.
Artifacts discovered during this take-down phase of the project will reappear in a public museum scheduled for the new complex’s ground floor.
Phase Two (Demolition)
The project is now well into its second (demolition) phase. Entire floors (which did not line up from one building to the next) are being removed. That way, the patchwork of buildings that made up the complex in the past can be more seamlessly connected.
The construction team tells me 2019 will be a key year for the project, in that it’s when we will also see the greatest change to the exterior of the building.
Phase Three (Finish Out)
Once the demolition phase is completed later this year, the project will enter its third and final stage – the finish-out. The construction crew will introduce more level floors, more energy-efficient lighting, etc. Also, some of the preserved architectural features will get reinstalled, so future generations can view and appreciate them.
A Win-Win for Dallas County and Its Residents
As the county commissioner chosen to lead this project, I am very excited to see its progress. We could have located the new Records Building complex anywhere in Dallas County. We thought it best, however, to restore these historical buildings and to anchor these jobs for years to come in the heart of downtown Dallas.
The county has a AAA bond rating we’ve not used for 35 years. By using bonds to finance the complex’s renovation, we will not need to raise taxes for that purpose. So the project turns out to be a win-win for all of us in Dallas County.
I will update you on how this project is proceeding in the coming months. I look forward to welcoming all of you to a new Commissioners’ Court, and other county-government features, in 2020!
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County
Se mantiene en el presupuesto y sigue a tiempo
Usted estará muy feliz de saber que la renovación del Edificio de Registros del Condado de Dallas localizado en el centro de Dallas se mantiene en el presupuesto y sigue a tiempo.
Nos encontramos ligeramente a más de la mitad del proyecto de 4 años y $200 millones. Cuando el nuevo edificio se abra en el verano del 2020, los residentes del Condado de Dallas tendrán un lugar y solo tendrán que hacer una parada para poder recibir todos los servicios del condado.
Aproximadamente 600 empleados que actualmente trabajan en tres edificios separados, estarán esperando para servirle en un edificio contiguo, restaurado y hermoso que será miles de pies cuadrados más grande que el edificio actual.
Primera Fase (Desarrollo de Diseño)
Antes de que el primer clavo fuera removido del edificio existente, yo desarrolle la idea de un Comité para el Estudio del Edificio, asignado por los Comisionados del Condado de Dallas.
Este comité que consiste de cinco personas expertas en las áreas de construcción, bienes raíces y finanzas, examinaron los edificios involucrados en el proyecto y recomendaron las renovaciones y nueva construcción que prestara un servicio más eficaz a los contribuidores de impuestos.
Después, los arquitectos del proyecto diseñaron la vista del nuevo edificio. También, empezaron a desmantelar ciertos componentes del edificio como las ventanas y las barandillas, asegurándose de documentar y guardar los componentes que tienen un valor arquitectónico o histórico significativo.
Los artefactos descubiertos durante la fase de derivación del proyecto reaparecerán en un museo público que está programado para ser expuesto en el primer piso del edificio.
Tercera Fase (Terminar)
Una vez que la fase de demolición esté concluida a finales de este año, el proyecto entrara en su tercera y última fase – terminar. El equipo de construcción introducirá más pisos y más iluminación energéticamente eficiente, ente otras cosas. Más aún, algunas de las fachadas arquitectónicas preservadas se reinstalarán para que las futuras generaciones las puedan ver y apreciar.
Una Ganancia para el Condado de Dallas y para sus residentes
Como la Comisionada del Condado seleccionada para liderar este proyecto, estoy muy emocionada de ver su progreso. Pudimos haber escogido hacer un nuevo Edificio de Registros en cualquier parte del Condado de Dallas. Sin embargo, decidimos que era mejor restaurar estos edificios históricos y mantener estos empleos por muchos años más en el corazón del centro de Dallas.
El condado tiene una clasificación de bonos AAA que no había sido utilizada por 35 años. Al utilizar bonos para financiar la renovación de este edificio, no se necesitará incrementar los impuestos para este propósito, así que el proyecto resulta ser una ganancia para todos nosotros en el Condado de Dallas. Yo los mantendré informados en como el proyecto se va desarrollando en los próximos meses.
¡Espero darles la bienvenida a todos ustedes a una nueva Corte de Comisionados y a las otras funciones gubernamentales del condado en el 2020!
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County
Records Building Renovation Project Update
Glad to report the renovation and restoration of the Dallas County Records Building complex is on schedule and within budget.
On Monday, Jan. 28, I toured the project with several representatives of history and preservation groups across Dallas that I invited to attend. We learned that the project has unearthed many wonderful artifacts that are being carefully stored off-site.
AND, that the project’s completion date is still June 1, 2020 (which happens to be my birthday). More details to come!
Best wishes,
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County