Free back-to-school vaccinations
Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) is offering families a weekend opportunity to get school-aged children immunized at New Light Church’s Back-To-School Bash Saturday, July 28 from 1 to 3 p.m. The free event will be held at 9314 Elam Road in Dallas. Parents must bring their child’s immunization records.
“Preparing to go back to school is a great time to catch up on vaccinations,” said Dr. Christopher Perkins, DCHHS medical director/health authority. “This fall, don’t let your child’s seat in class be left empty. Get your children the vaccinations they need for school now.”
During the event participating vendors will also offer free school supplies and giveaways to help parents check off their back-to-school to-do list.
Immunizations are also given at each of the DCHHS clinic locations from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday–Friday. The immunization clinic located at 2377 N Stemmons Freeway in Dallas, is open until 6 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Appointments aren’t necessary. The cost is $10 for the child’s first visit and $5 for returning patients. Waivers are given to families in need.
Parents and guardians should review immunization records and consult with a primary care provider or a public health professional to determine needed vaccinations.
- Published in Dallas County
I am an American
I am an American, not by birth but by choice.
I came to the United States from Mexico because I fell in love with a man who respected my intelligence and I fell in love with all the opportunities that this great country provides.
Not every country offers as much hope for its men, women, and children.
As a girl, seeing the American flag meant something magical to me. It stood for democracy. It stood for hope, world leadership, freedom.
With its red and white stripes and white stars on a deep blue field, the U.S. flag reflects the history of how thirteen colonies separated from tyranny and eventually became fifty, united states.
But we don’t feel very united these days, do we?
We’re haunted by the horror of children being separated from their mothers at our borders.
Our patriotic spirit is challenged every day by negative politics, gun violence, greed, and prejudice.
Many worry our country is on the path to the kind of tyranny those thirteen colonies and our nation’s founders fought so hard to free us from.
Return to America. Come to America. Choose and choose again to embrace and respect democracy, hope, world leadership, and freedom.
That is what we celebrate on Independence Day.
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Independence
Yo soy Americana
Yo soy Americana no por nacimiento sino por opción.
Yo vine de México a este país porque me enamoré de un joven que respetó mi inteligencia y mis sueños y me ofreció las oportunidades de este gran país.
No muchos países ofrecen esperanza para sus hombres, mujeres y niños.
Cuando yo era una niña y veía la bandera americana era algo mágico. Significaba esperanza, liderazgo mundial y libertad.
Con sus rayas rojas y blancas en ese marco azul profundo , la Bandera de Estados unidos refleja la historia de cómo las trece colonias que estaban separadas por tiranía eventualmente se unen en cincuenta estados.
Pero en estos tiempos a veces no nos sentimos muy unidos o si?
Nos sentimos perturbados por imágenes y el horror de niños separados de sus madres en nuestras fronteras.
Nuestro espíritu patriótico es retado todos los días por políticas negativas , violencia armada, ambición y prejuicios.
Muchos nos preocupamos que nuestro país está en el camino a la tiranía que las trece colonias y nuestros padres fundadores pelearon arduamente en contra para darnos libertad.
Regresar a America , venir a America. Escoger una y otra vez respeto, democracia, esperanza, liderazgo y libertad.
Esto es lo que celebramos en el día de la Independencia.
La Dra. Elba Garcia
Comisionada del Condado de Dallas, Distrito 4
- Published in Independencia
Rally at Dallas City Hall June 14
DFW allies will rally at Dallas City Hall on June 14th from 6 pm-8 pm to denounce the policy of family separation, demand the immediate reunification of children with their families, and closure of the Casa Padre facility in solidarity with over 4,000 people across the country.
On June 14, 2018, thousands of people across the United States will join marches, rallies, and vigils organized through the website created by Families Belong Together, to protest the cruel and inhumane treatment of immigrants and asylum seekers as a result of this administration’s policy of terror.
In DFW, a coalition of activists, organizers, concerned parents, and allies have come together in response to the moral crisis caused by the policy of separating families attempting to seek safety and asylum at our borders, and the lack of oversight in the facilities where these children have been detained.
This DFW coalition, along with Families Belong Together, opposes the cruel, inhumane, and unjustified separation of children from their parents here in Texas, all along the U.S. border with Mexico, and at other ports of entry into the U.S.
In solidarity with nationwide marches, vigils, and rallies, DFW allies will hold a community rally on Thursday, June 14, from 6 to 8 pm at Dallas City Hall. The current list of allies calling for action are: Our Watch-Dallas, Coalición de Líderes del Metroplex (Brown Berets of Cemanahuac-Texas Chapter, Carrollton Community Movement, En Pie De Lucha, Denton Residents Against SB4, Movimiento Cosecha Denton), LULAC 102, North Texas Dream Team, TPS Camino a la Residencia Dallas, and DFW Lideres.
This event follows a demonstration held in Dallas on Sunday, June 10, and a massive day of action on June 1st. DFW allies will continue to take direct action against this policy of terror and the Casa Padre facility in Brownsville, TX until our demands our met.
The DFW coalition’s demands are simple:
- We demand this policy of terror end immediately and that affected families are reunited.
- We demand that the facilities imprisoning children be given congressional oversight until families are reunited and that these facilities be shut down upon reunification.
It is unconscionable and inexcusable that the U.S. government is actively ripping children from their families, and imprisoning in the Casa Padre facility in Brownsville, TX and other facilities around the nation, often hundreds of miles away from their families.
This violent abuse of children is a moral outrage, and we oppose the inhumane policies of the Trump Administration, Border Patrol, ICE, and other federal agencies complicit in its execution.
We invite all members of the press to attend as we publicly denounce this policy of terror and the imprisonment of children. Thursday’s speaking program to be confirmed, please visit the Facebook event or reach out to media contact Julio Acosta, 214.995.9389, [email protected].
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Hispanic, Human Rights, Immigration
Records Building Renovation Begins Phase Two
You’d be surprised by what you can find when you renovate a decades-old building
This month, the first phase of the $200 million renovation of the Dallas County Records Building comes to a close. That phase has involved the demolition of some of the building’s interior components – and that’s where some of the historical artifacts of note have come to light.
Some of those artifacts – like the doors and water fountains marked ‘Whites Only’ – recall some of the county’s less-than-flattering practices.
Others, like colorful portraits and decorative molding discovered inside the legendary (Jack) Ruby courtroom, recall the building’s more colorful and glamorous, years. After all, this is the building in which Jack Ruby was found guilty of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald and where Clyde Barrow was jailed before he set off on his crime spree with Bonnie Parker.
The demolition has even revealed a mysterious staircase, its purpose uncertain, inside one of the building’s interior walls.
Many of the items are being saved, with hopes that display space can be found for them either in the renovated building or another museum nearby. And much of the refuse generated during the first phase is finding new life in innovative ways. For example, the sledgehammers used on April 25 to ceremoniously launch the project’s second phase were comprised entirely from debris caused by the first-phase demolition.
This summer, the renovation enters its second phase, which included the demolition and rebuilding of floor and ceiling slabs. No doubt, more intriguing artifacts of history will appear as the project moves toward its expected completion in mid-2020.
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County
Free Dallas County Health Fair, May 9
Get your check up at Dallas County Health and Human Services’ Annual Health and Wellness Fair.
County employees and Dallas County residents can receive health screenings and information at a health and wellness fair scheduled from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., Weds., May 9, 2018.
The health fair will be held at Dallas County Health and Human Services Building, Rooms 627-A and -B, located at 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway (MAP). Among the screenings offered will be mammograms, dental checks, vision tests, cardiovascular screening, and more. Some screenings require advance registration. Admission and parking are free.
See the complete list of May 9 services and register for some screenings.
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County
The Impact of Transportation on Historic Ethnic Neighborhoods
Learn a little about the history of the La Bajada neighborhood and the role transportation played in its creation … and is playing in its future.
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County
It’s My Park Day
Kidd Springs Park is hosting a clean up day in the park, from 9 a.m. -12 noon, Saturday, April 21.
They are looking for community groups, scout troops or other interested individuals, both kids and adults, to help clean the park.
They are also looking for some older youth and adults to assist with a storage area clean up.
If you have questions or would like to sign up, please contact Heidi Hulin at [email protected] or call her at 214-670-7535.
Thank you!
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Dallas County
Apply for a Hispanic Dental Association scholarship
In its quest for continuous improvement in the development of oral health professionals, the Hispanic Dental Association presents a scholarship program to students in dentistry.
Scholarships in the amount of $500 to $2,000 for Dental Students, Dental Hygiene Students, Dental Assisting Students, and Laboratory Technology Students and $4,000 for Dental Specialty Residents will be awarded to support meritorious work by students who seek to advance their scientific and applied clinical knowledge as they enter into the oral health profession.
- • The deadline for completed applications is July 1, 2018.
- • Award decisions will be communicated to all applicants by August 1, 2018.
- • The awards ceremony will be held in Chicago, Illinois on September 8, 2018.
Download the application for the HDA’s 2018-2019 scholarships.
Dr. Elba Garcia
Dallas County Commissioner, District 4
- Published in Hispanic
Northaven Trail Project
The dirt is flying on our Northaven Trail Project.
When completed, this phase of Northaven Trail will extend 3.3 miles from Denton Drive to Cinderella Lane. Once all phases are complete, Northaven Trail will extend from I-75 to the Elm Fork Athletic Complex on the west side of I-35.
This project is a partnership between Dallas County, the City of Dallas and the Texas Department of Transportation. The cost of Phases 2B/2C is $5.7 million and should be completed in Fall 2019.
- Published in Dallas County